Home > Re-evaluating Insurance Needs

Re-evaluating Insurance Needs

June 26th, 2008 at 09:37 pm

So I took some time today to talk to our insurance agent about our needs cause I suspected we were under-insured. Which we were.

For $18 more a month I'm adequately covered for life insurance... and for $8 more a month I'm now adequately covered on our auto and homeowner's policy

Gosh, makes me feel silly to think that if we had some issue come up and we were to get sued or one of us would die that it was only a matter of $26/mo between being adequately insured vs under-insured.

1 Responses to “Re-evaluating Insurance Needs”

  1. sillyoleme Says:

    I used to work insurance, and the hardest part of the battle was always convincing people that it was worth their while to come into the office and review their policies. I would say that 75% of everyone that came in ended up needing to change something. Maybe one of their kids needed to be taken off the policy, or their mortgage was paid off, or they didn't realize they could have more life insurance or personal liability for so little. I'm glad you did!

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