Home > Signs


March 31st, 2009 at 04:24 pm

Its funny how the day after I turned in my resignation, suddenly everyone in my house is better.

DH says that was a sign.

I took the baby to her GI appointment today and she's 16 lbs but as the GI doc said, "She's at the 50th percentile for a 6 month old."

So they are going to do an endoscopy & refer us to a food clinic to help us on a more holistic approach to help get the baby's weight up.

I'm nervous about it, its going to be done under general anesthesia and she's soo small. But the Children's Hospital is going to be doing this, so they ONLY work with children - so I feel a bit better.

DH is leaving from the 11th to the 21st or 25th. Normally not a big deal but with finals and everything, I'm scrambling in my mind.

The money is VERY needed though, $113/day and I'm sure he'll spend SOME of it but I told him he better save his money if he expects to buy the iPhone.

He's been bugging me for that for a year or more. I've always held back and if he can save the $400 to get the phone & the increased cell phone fee upfront, I'll let him. He needs the capability of a calendar, task manager, etc in his phone... I have a Blackberry so I can understand, but my Dad pays for my phone so its free on our end. (Not entirely sure WHY my Dad bought all of his kids cell phones, but if we declined it he would be extremely upset as in his eyes its a rejection of a gift. He's been doing this since '05 for my sister & brother, even my brother's wife. Yet my brother is an attorney, its not like he can't buy one himself).

My Dad is like that though. In 2001 he bought me AAA membership and has renewed it ever since.

I think that is his way of trying to look out for us as adults. We never ask for it, he just does it. Anyhow, just wanted to mention that in case anybody wonders why my father pays for my cell phone.

1 Responses to “Signs”

  1. kdmoffett25 Says:

    Personally, I would not have the iPhone. My husband wanted one that did what your husband wants and you have to buy apps for half of the junk. You can't forward texts, he can take pictures, but not send them, he can only receive text pics if I email them to him and then he is lucky if he actually gets them. I am not impressed at all. I could get better with the Blackberry and will probably be my next phone. I was thinking about an iPhone, until he got his.

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