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Going to be a longer trip than I thought

April 9th, 2010 at 12:40 pm

DH called last night and I still have a little bit longer to go before he comes home. Its still not a deployment, but by the time he gets back - he'll have been gone for almost a month.

On the bright side, that means he will get a lot more per diem this month. Thats almost 10 days of $120/day per diem. Grant it, he's probably spent some of that but we have to buy his dress blues when he gets back. That costs anywhere from $300-$500.

I miss him when he's gone. I don't feel "separate" from him when he's gone... at least emotionally. I like to pretend when he's gone that I've taken on the role of "girlfriend". It keeps our talks pretty light-hearted and easier to deal with. If I was just a girlfriend, I probably wouldn't bog him down with the details of DD#3 regressing in potty-training, etc. Sure some stuff would come up, but our role then changes from "support & help" (Ie. when we are together) to an "escape" (I.e, when we are apart).

Silly, I guess. I miss the help and the quiet evenings together. We make dinner together, he does the laundry, the yardwork, and remembers to take the trash out.

I forgot this little fact when it was trash day & I saw the trash truck zoom by our house. These are just things I don't normally do cause when he's here, he helps out a ton.

But again, looking at the positive - I'm really catching up on studying for the CPA exam. Already finished the first two modules for Regulation in 5 days. Going to start the 3rd today and hopefully have it done by the end of the weekend. I'll likely have the fourth done by the time he gets home, maybe the 5th.

There are 7 modules so it would be nice to have most of the material studied before he gets back. I'm hoping that if I can manage to do this I'll be ready to take REG by the end of April/early May so I can take BEC in the last part of May.

And then... hoping I pass... I can put this CPA stuff behind me and focus entirely on work, potty-training DD #3, family, and moving.

Now wouldn't that be nice?

1 Responses to “Going to be a longer trip than I thought”

  1. gamecock43 Says:

    I like your perspective when your DH is gone on business. I understand mentally changing when he leaves-it's miserable to be stuck in "miss mode" for so long. You just need to put on a new identity and a new plan for the time he is gone.

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