Home > So I'm done

So I'm done

August 19th, 2010 at 01:34 pm

With the CPA exam.

Final score
FAR 78
REG 78
AUD 84
BEC 77

I'm so relieved... now I just need to find a job.

I think all in all my interview went well with the 3 managers but I think if I messed up anywhere it was with the partner. Hopefully not too terribly.

The partner did spend 20 minutes talking with me and the 3 managers talked to me for about 40 minutes. Talking with the managers went great. There was some laughter so the mood was relaxed & I think the one manager liked that I was able to clearly define the deficiencies I saw on the volunteer audit that I did. But they are interviewing 2 other people who are just coming from a firm when we talked about retention in other firms being high (He said "We just interviewed two other people coming from a firm that turns over its entire staff every 2 years) although he did say they were short staffed and looking to add someone in 2-3 months.

I don't know... I'll drive myself nuts if I over-analyze the situation. Main thing is... I'M DONE WITH THE CPA EXAM!

I've got one thing out of the way, now just need to find a job. I think I'm going to go ahead and call some of the firms I sent resumes out to today.

9 Responses to “So I'm done”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations!! You did a great job. I'm sure you will find employment. If it isn't this firm, at least the interview process will have been beneficial. Fingers crossed for you.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:


  3. skydivingchic Says:

    Congratulations! I'm sure you are relieved to know you are done with it. You should definitely have some sort of little reward/celebration. Good luck with the continued job hunt. The waiting is always a killer.

  4. momcents Says:

    Good job!

  5. Homebody Says:

    That is so great, congratulations!

  6. Ima saver Says:

    Congratulations, we are all proud of you!

  7. minnie1928 Says:

    Congrats! Must be a good week...I just passed my CMA certification!

  8. FrugalTexan75 Says:


  9. Looking Forward Says:

    Good job. Congrats on passing your test. Smile

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